Last Friday on 29 November 2013,  a larger bird (unfamiliar to me, but
larger than a American Robin, smaller than a dove, sleeker than a blue jay)
crashed into my large window, but recovered to perch in a nearby tree.  At
the exact same time two chickadees were feeding at my window feeder -- and
surely heard the noise of the crash - froze in place for over a minute.
 They looked like statues.  When a friend moved closer to that window, he
saw their eyes move, but they were immobile.  I have bee watching
chickadees at this feeder for almost 6 months now, and never have I seen
them immobile.

I am wondering is this common behavior when they suspect a threat?  I am
new to bird watching!

Any insight would be appreciated.

Ursula Szczurek Rudd
E. Thetford

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