Hey everyone,

This morning I went hiking with some fellow students on Mt. Cardigan, where there was a surprisingly large amount of snow. While most of the birds I saw were the usual suspects, I did have one highlight- a Spruce Grouse. While hiking I heard some clucking coming from within the trees. I started to look around to try to find the grouse, and the student next to me said he was looking at it, but by the time I turned around to see the bird it had already flown. The student did tell me though that it was black. Based on the calls the bird was giving, I believe it was a female bird. She was perched about halfway up a spruce tree. 
According to eBird, this ties as the southernmost record of Spruce Grouse in NH, with the last observation on Mt. Cardigan occurring in 1968. 

Kyle Kittelberger