Dear colleagues:

These courses maybe could be of interest for some list members: 

- 3D GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS - Fourth edition; May 20-24, 2014. Instructor: Dr. Lissa Tallman (Grand Valley State University, USA). Website:

This course is entitled to teach the main concepts of shape analysis based on three-dimensional landmark  coordinates. In this workshop we you will learn to manipulate 3D models and use them to collect landmark  data, take measurements, and to quantify and visualize the main differences in shape.

- STUDYING ONTOGENY AT DIFFERENT LEVELS USING GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS - Second edition; May 26-28, 2014. . Instructor: Dr. Kieran McNulty ((University of Minnesota, USA). Website:

This course will give emphasis on using Geometric Morphometrics to address questions related to growth, development, and evolution. Simple characterizations of multivariate ontogeny will give way to more complicated methods for visualizing and comparing different patterns of growth and development. From here, we will take up the idea of changes in ontogeny as a mechanism for producing evolutionary change. We will end by discussing the difficulties and misconceptions in interpreting morphometric analyses of ontogeny, and introduce some of the advanced topics in ontogeny that morphometricians are beginning to address.

These courses will be held in  Els Hostalets de Pierola, Barcelona (Spain) and are organized by Transmitting Science, the Institut Catalá de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont and de Centre de Restauració i Interpretació Paleontologica de Els Hostalets de Pierola.  For more information you can write [log in to unmask]

With best regards

Soledad De Esteban Trivigno
Course Director
Transmitting Science