Dear Colleagues:

Good news.  The patch to update Rapport Grantsxpress for the new NIH forms C will be processed tonight at 10pm.   Please expect a temporary outage of the system.   The system will be available tomorrow and you can begin processing NIH applications that require Forms C.

I want to thank the Rapport team for their hard work in implementing this update.   NIH was late in making test forms available and the patch was only recently available from the vendor.   The team has worked hard to test the forms.  We will send out notes about a few known isolated issues as soon as possible.  It is our understanding that these issues are isolated to a very few possible scenarios and unlikely to impede submissions.

I also wanted to mention that a notice will be going out to faculty who have upcoming due dates for the annual Conflict of Interest disclosure.  As you will recall, the new regulations kicked off last year around this time.  As such, there is a concentration of faculty who are due to update in the Fall.   Please encourage them to just go in and get it done since we want to avoid any delays in processing proposals.  Again, a separate email will be going out this week to remind them.

Thank you.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns.

Jill Mortali
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
Dartmouth College
11 Rope Ferry Road
Hanover NH 0375


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