Hi Everyone -

We just hear d a report of someone trying to cover up the top entrance to Andy's trail with logs and what not.  While this is disappointing it's not surprising.  Please if you see someone out there doing something like this DO NOT confront them angrily.  Try to get as much information as possible about the who, what and whys and then we can go remove the debris at a different time.  We do not want to have stories coming out of there that we are a angry group or that there is conflict.  We will deal with the conflict in a more official way.

So also please keep your wits about you out there.  If folks are trying to close off trails then they might close one in a place you might least expect.  Just be aware.  
If you are up around the trail in contention please just move the materials (way way way off the trail).  If anyone has any more information about who this might have been please let me know ASAP.
