Hi everyone,

For those of you who haven't heard of Go-Out, it's basically the all-DOC social listserv. In the past, it's been used for things like gear borrow, smaller/larger personal trips, ride sharing, and anything else you want friends to do with you. (Yes, it can also be described as similar to Chubbers, BUT it's an even larger and more diverse base of outdoorsiness, so it's just that much more awesome.) It's back in action starting now, so feel free to start using it. Just try not to spam TOO much (although pictures of puppies are always ok!)

To subscribe, go to listserv.dartmouth.edu (PSA: This website can also be used to manage your subscription on all other Dartmouth listservs!), search GO-OUT-DOC in the search bar on the right of the page, then click "Subscribe or Unsubscribe" on the right hand side of the page. Hit the subscribe button and you're all set!

If you have any questions or need help signing up, just blitz me and I'll make sure you get added.

Happy adventuring!
