Do you want to get more involved in the DOC? Have ideas about events the club should run? Can you think of ways to improve the Outing Club?

If so, you should come to the ALL-DOC PLANNING MEETING!

Who: YOU!
What: A gathering of anyone and everyone interested in the DOC
Where: Tom Dent cabin, down by the River past Ledyard Canoe Club
When: TONIGHT at 6pm
Why: To schedule all of the DOC events for the term!
How: Just show up! You don't need any leadership or DOC experience, just a desire to talk about events and how to move the club forward.

If you have any questions, want directions to Tom Dent, or have ideas, please blitz me! I always love to talk about the DOC and really want to get to know all of you whom I haven't already.

YITOOD (Yours in the Out Of Doors),
