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Subject: UAEU Mobile Learning Conference
Date: August 9, 2013 4:10:06 AM CDT
To: <[log in to unmask]>


Dear Colleagues:
We are
organizing an international e-learning conference entitled
&lsquo;Embracing Mobile Learning&rsquo;  which will be held here at
the UAE University on November 20th  and 21st, 2013  (with a day
of pre-conference workshops on the 19th).

This conference will
serve as a forum for modeling best practices, showing how mobile
technology can be integrated effectively into teaching and learning. It
will also be a venue to share research into the assessment and
effectiveness of mobile strategies and their influence on student
engagement and improved learning. Participants will also have a chance to
network and visit the exhibition area of the conference.

would like to invite you all to participate in this conference by
submitting a proposal for either a 20 minute or 45 minute presentation on
the following topics:
* Mobile Learning Research
Mobile Learning Pedagogy
* Innovative Applications in the
* Models of Student Engagement

visit the conference website for details regarding paper submission.

The final deadline for submissions is September 10th, 2013.

Best regards from 

Jörg Waltje and The
Organizing Committee
Center for Excellence in Teaching and
Provost&rsquo;s Office
PO Box 15551
Al Ain, UAE

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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)