Did my once a year, 50 stops around L Fairlee and thru Thetford into Norwich, today.  Breeding Bird census, 3 minutes at each stop.  My 10th year.


Nothing really eventful.  48 species.


Highlights were:  35 stops had Red-eyed Vireos !  some with multiple.


Terrific look at a Blackburnian.


Pair of Ring-neck Ducks.  9 warblers, no Yellow-rumps or Bl-thr Greens.


1 Oriole, no Rose-br Grosbeaks .   No Savannah, no Swamp.


1 Winter Wren.   1 Belted Kingfisher.  Alder, Willow and G-cr. Flys.


Always good to be out.








Bill Shepard       


Project Coordinator

CT River Birding Trail

2360 Academy Road

Thetford Center, VT  05075


Home: 802 785-2855