Grant Administration
NSF Seeks Researchers' Ideas on How
To Shrink Grant Administration Burdens
[Pair of Scissors]
The National Science Foundation asked principal investigators for recommendations on reducing administrative burdens connected with federally funded research grants in a request for information issued in a March 29 Federal Register notice (78 Fed. Reg. 19,329).
NSF asked principal investigators a series of questions to identify which federal agency and university requirements contribute most to their administrative workload. NSF also asked for recommendations for reducing that workload.
The responses will be considered by the Task Force on Administrative Burdens, a subgroup created by the National Science Board that plans to implement agency-level changes and offer recommendations to reduce what it described as “unnecessary and redundant administrative requirements.”
The request for information (RFI) references two surveys conducted in 2005 and 2012 by the Federal Demonstration Partnership Faculty Workload Surveys that found administrative burdens associated with federal research funding consume about 42 percent of an awardee's research time.
The questions cover topics such as the sources of the administrative work; institutional review boards (IRB) or institutional animal care and use committees (IACUC); preparing for research proposals; agency-specific requirements and multiple federal agencies; reform efforts; and professional/institutional information. The questions to investigators were:
• What specific requirements associated with federally funded grants require the greatest amount of administrative work?
• If not addressed in question one, for any of the areas listed, do you believe that the associated requirements significantly increase the amount of administrative work you personally need to perform? The listed areas were grant progress report submissions, finances, personnel management, effort reporting, conflict of interest, responsible conduct of research, lab safety and security, data sharing, and subcontracts.
• Do you receive administrative support from your institution for federal grants? If yes, for what specific preparation, reporting, and compliance requirements do you receive support?
• If you are conducting human or vertebrate animal research requiring IRB or IACUC approval, what requirements create the most administrative work?
• What recommendations would you offer federal agencies for reducing the administrative work necessary to submit a grant proposal while maintaining the details needed to evaluate the merit and feasibility of the proposed research?
• From which agencies do you receive federal funding? In your opinion, have you observed outcomes related to data or information that you have provided at the request of federal agencies?
• If you receive funding from NSF, are there NSF-specific requirements that you believe create significant administrative work for you? What steps would you suggest NSF take to reduce the work necessary to comply with the requirement(s)?
• What, if any, effect do you believe reforms proposed by the Office of Management and Budget (see11 MRLR 177, 3/21/12<>) would have on your administrative workload? Would you utilize direct charging if the guidance is finalized?
• What is your academic rank? What is your field of study?
“Members of the National Science Board's Task Force on Administrative Burdens do not wish to increase your administrative workload with this request and you may choose to answer only those questions that are most pertinent to you,” the RFI said.
Comments are due May 24 and can be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
For More Information
The NSF request for information is available at
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Jill Mortali
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
Dartmouth College
11 Rope Ferry Road
Hanover NH 0375


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