from Mirjam Hauck <[log in to unmask]>

University of Evora, Portugal

11-14 September 2013

20 years of EUROCALL: Learning from the past, looking to the future

In September 2013, EUROCALL will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Come and join us in Evora and help us celebrate this great occasion!

This year, the programme will include individual papers, Special Interest Groups (SIG) symposia, workshops, presentations show-casing EU-funded projects, and posters.

We are seeking proposals on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

•	Recent developments in mobile learning
•	Language learning in virtual environments
•	Synchronous communication in language learning
•	European Language Portfolio, self-assessment and ICT
•	Challenges of e-learning: the role of the institution
•	E-learning: student expectations and experience
•	Successes of e-learning through the eyes of the student
•	The use of new technologies for language teaching in schools
•	Promoting the use of new technologies amongst language teaching professionals
•	Developments in the pedagogy of online learning
•	Developments in Natural Language Processing and ICALL
•	Corpora and language learning
•	Courseware design
•	Cross-sector collaboration through e-learning
•	Supporting less widely taught languages through CALL
•	Improving intercultural competence through language learning
•	Managing multimedia environments
•	Distance and collaborative learning
•	Self-access and learner autonomy

Proposals for Papers, Symposia, European Projects, Workshops and Posters must be submitted online via the web-based submission process at

The submission system will close on 25 February 2013. 

Authors of accepted presentations can submit a short paper (1,500 words) for publication in the conference proceedings and may also submit an extended version for peer-reviewed publication in ReCALL or the EUROCALL Review. Details will follow shortly.

Important dates

•	Deadline for submissions of proposals: 25 February 2013
•	Notification of acceptance: 31 March 2013
•	Early-bird Registration for accepted authors (or removed from programme): 31 May 2013
•	Deadline for submissions of short papers for proceedings: 30 June 2013
•	Deadline for submissions of full-length papers to ReCALL or the EUROCALL Review: 30 November 2013

Further details will soon be available via the EUROCALL website (
Email: [log in to unmask]

Presentation categories

1. Individual papers

Papers can be submitted for either 45 minute presentations or 30 minute presentations:

•	45 minute presentations:30 minutes presenting, 10 minutes for questions, 5 minutes for room changes 
•	30 minute presentations: 20 minutes presenting, 5 for questions, 5 minutes for room changes 

Three types of papers may be given: 
Research: papers focusing on a clearly specified research topic supported by a rationale, including a brief literature review. The thrust may be empirical or theoretical. The methodology should be clearly outlined as well as the actual or potential findings.

Research and development: papers focusing on the development of applications and programmes integrating CALL. The research should be original and may emphasize practice rather than research. They may also be based on projects either completed or under development (European, national, local).
Reflective practice: papers dealing with the integration of ICT in different contexts and for different purposes. The reflection could take the form of evaluation or action-research. Proposals should include elements that are of relevance beyond the context of the practice described. 

2. Special Interest Group Symposia

Submissions for symposia are invited from EUROCALL’s SIGs to promote their work to the conference delegates and encourage participation in the SIGs. Current Eurocall SIGs are: Teacher education, Virtual Worlds, Natural Language Processing, CorpusCall, Computer Mediated Communication. 
SIG Symposia consist of three or four papers on a similar topic, proposed and organised by a chairperson, who should be a member of the relevant SIG. Sessions last for 90 minutes, with NO changeover during the symposium. The proposal should outline the purpose of the symposium, the names of the participants, with a sentence mentioning what aspect of the main problem that each will address.

3. European Projects

As part of the celebration of 20 years of Eurocall, this special category for this year’s conference will feature the showcasing and dissemination of EU-funded projects. Each project will be allocated a 30 minute slot, including questions.

4. Workshops

Workshops are either half a day or a full day in duration and typically involve a hands-on session, where participants have the opportunity to become familiar with the latest developments in relevant topic areas in language teaching and learning and tools associated with these. The proposal should include the intended duration of the workshop, its main purpose and a brief outline of topics covered/ activities as well as technical requirements.

4. Posters

Since posters aim to attract attention to a particular project or research domain, they should mainly focus on work in progress. They may, however, report previous or preliminary findings. Posters should be clear, easy to read and attractively laid out. Submissions from advanced students are especially welcome in this category. A prize will be awarded for the best poster in two categories: PhD/Graduate student and non-PhD student.

How to submit your proposal

The online abstract submission system has been developed using OpenConf, an open source programme. Complete the form and submit your proposal before 25 February 2013. An e-mail acknowledging receipt will automatically be sent to you. Please not the password you will have entered for future reference. The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of the form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to your submission.

Format of abstracts

All presentation categories require a submission of an abstract that does not exceed 500 words, excluding the title, names and affiliations. You will have to select from a list of conference subthemes (topics) which will allow us to place your paper in the appropriate strand. You should provide 3 or 4 keywords too that will also help us place your abstract into the appropriate category. You can type your abstract directly onto the online form or paste a previously edited text. Plain text should be used. Do not use any formatting elements (bold or italics, bullets, list elements, symbols, borders, lines, etc.) The abstract system does not accept charts, tables, graphics or photos.

Before adding your abstract to the system, it is advisable to check the number of words and typing errors using a word processor.

Please make sure that you do not use your name or refer to your home institution in the abstract itself, otherwise your proposal will be automatically rejected. These details should be provided in the Biography section of the submission form.

Entering the submission system

You can enter the Submission System by selecting the link below which will open a new window in your browser. In this window you should go through the following steps:

- Complete the submission form and submit your proposal.
- With the submission ID and your password, you can enter this system again: select "Edit a submission" or “Withdraw a submission” from the AUTHORS menu, and edit or withdraw your submission.
- Whenever you update a submission, the system will automatically send the contact author an e-mail confirming successful update.
- You can modify your saved abstracts at any time during the submission period.
- During this process, you can contact the programme chairs by e-mail ([log in to unmask]) for assistance.

The results of the blind-reviewing process will be notified to submitters of proposals on 31 March 2013.

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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])