Here's a link to YouTube video (2 min 36 s) of some highlights of our route on the Hanover/Norwich Christmas Bird Count yesterday (1 January 2013).

Pine Grosbeak (found by Peter LaBelle) on Lyme Road just south of CRREL
Carolina Wren (a pair) on Dresden Road (found on our second pass)
The Hermit Thrush on Dogford Road (not quite in focus, unfortunately)
White-winged Crossbill on Etna Road (Farr residence)
Canada Goose (not long for this world) on Mink Brook
Cooper's Hawk on Tuck Mall near Baker Library at precisely 4 pm.

Like a kid with a new toy....Marianne

Marianne and Michael Walsh
151 East Camp Hill Road
Weathersfield, VT 05156-9629