Hello DOC!


I hope you have had a great break and that you have been able to spend some time outside. Winter term is coming up fast and there is already snow on the ground!! Here are a few important announcements from the DOC and OPO:

-WFR course interest

-Grant Winter Weekend Dates

-backcountry skiing/telemark skiing

-Outing Club Olympics

-Outdoor Story E-newsletter

-Group Adventure Project and other ideas!


WFR Course Interest: Are you interested in taking a Wilderness First Responder Course? WFR is an 80 hour course that is the next step above Wilderness First Aid. We are exploring the possibility of running a course that would likely meet during evenings a few times a week for the duration of winter term. These skills are very useful for leading trips for the DOC/general outdoor trips, make you eligible to be a “safety dork” for DOC Trips Croos, 50 support, Strips, etc., and are also often required/preferred for outdoor jobs that you may be considering for the summer. If you are interested in this please let me know by replying to this blitz.


Grant Winter Weekend: Save the date! Seriously, write it in your calendars right now and color around it with sharpie so that you can’t write anything else down in the box for the weekend of FEBRUARY 23rd-24th! Winter Weekend is a good time up in Dartmouth’s Second College Grant. A fun mix of students, OPO staff, and others spend the night in cozy cabins and go snowshoeing, skiing, and even dogsledding! CnT will be taking sign-ups closer to the date of the trip.


McGill Outing Club Olympics: Welcome to the second annual Outdoor Olympics! This January 25-27, outdoors clubs from throughout the region will face off in a daring match of wits, skill, and endurance. Now is your chance to use the skill sets you have developed in your many outdoor exploits to win the fabled Moose Trophy! The competitions hosted by McGill in Canada will include snow-shoe orienteering, cross-cut saw, back-country bushwack, ice hockey tournament, cross-country ski relay, and body bouldering. If you are interested (ESPECIALLY if you want to organize a team of 4) let me know ASAP.


Backcountry/Telemark P.E. Skiing and other PE Courses: For the first time there is going to be a backcountry skiing P.E. course! There are courses for different skill levels and they will be taught by our very own Winter Sports Club Leaders. Spaces are limited so blitz [log in to unmask] , [log in to unmask] , [log in to unmask] (yes all of them) with questions or to apply. Check out Banner for other outdoorsy P.E. courses being offered this term-- they are taught by awesome DOC leaders and other skilled outdoors people, and they are a great way to improve your skills or try something new. Plug: if you are interested in telemark skiing, Peter Governali and I are teaching the PE courses this winter at the skiway, sign up on Banner.


Free “Outdoor Story” newsletter: The nonprofit Center for Northern Woodlands Education ("Northern Woodlands"), located in Corinth, Vermont, publishes a weekly ecology article series entitled "The Outdoor Story." Articles focus on our Upper Valley region, and offer detailed information about individual species, habitats and natural history subjects. Northern Woodlands is offering free email subscriptions to this weekly series. If you would like to subscribe, please follow this link, http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=0013yYWxIr3lUHERtqjSv_hcQ%3D%3D, check the box labeled, "The Outside Story - Weekly Newsletter," and fill out the registration information. - Elise Tillinghast ‘94


Group Adventure Program and other ideas: We are looking for your help and your ideas! We are currently working to get the Group Adventure Program rolling. This program is intended to increase campus participation in outdoor activities especially among students who may not have outdoor equipment or experience. The program will handle the logistics and provide leaders and equipment for groups such as residential floors, affinity groups, Greek houses, and other campus organizations that are interested in participating in outdoor adventure. The program will teach outdoor skills and promote teamwork and leadership with the hopes of getting a larger portion of campus outside. We hope to really develop and run several trips this winter term so if you have ideas regarding possible trip ideas or know of a group that may be interested please let me know.


On a similar note, the DOC Directorate is always looking for feedback and ideas so feel free to send us an email or show up at directorate (yes the meetings are open to everyone).


Whew! Thanks for reading and I am very excited to see you all in Robo in a few days!


Welcome back!


Gerben Scherpbier

DOC President