We have a Brown Creeper that is coming to a peanut butter feeder in  
our yard.  It started by robbing suet the nuthatches were stashing in  
the bark of trees near my feeder.  It then discovered some suet and a  
peanut butter / cornmeal mix (PBCM) I pushed into the bark of a tree  
near the feeders.  It then found suet and PBCM at the base of the tree  
and was grazing on that.  Finally, it made the connection between the  
PBCM and the feeders I have up with PBCM in them.  It now seems hooked  
on the stuff, spending quite a bit of time at the feeder.  The whole  
process took about 5 years.  Slow learners.

Marianne and Michael Walsh
151 East Camp Hill Road
Weathersfield, VT 05156-9629