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I really like puzzles and this one is quite interesting. I have been thinking about your request for a while now. I have not been able to come up with an answer for your direct issue. Basically you want a whiteboard quiz question option. One does not exist. The closest thing that ever existed was the Covcell project that was a joint venture of several european schools. This project has run its course several years ago and was never ported to Moodle 2. Even this would not have given you the functionality you requested as it is based on Red5 which is flash based so no mobile devices. The next closest thing would be the Poodll project as there is a whiteboard widget. Again flash based so no joy for mobile.

That being said, it is possible to accomplish what you have requested but it involves many moving parts. On iOS there are several free programs that will take the strokes from a finger and save them to an image. Some of these programs (mostly ones that cost) will allow you to save the output to a repository like dropbox for example. This is a good list of candidates.

So in order for this to work:
1) you will have to be running Moodle 2,
2) Each student will have to have access to an app on their mobile device that will output a pdf or jpg or gif to a repository like Dropbox
3) That repository will have to be accessible on your Moodle installation
4) The students will need to have an account on the repository chosen.
5) The students will have to go along in the quiz until such time that they will have to produce the hand writing. They pull up the app write out what they want and save to repository.
6) Go back into quiz, select the repository to pull the newly saved image from and embed in question.
7) Move on, repeat.

Like I said, may moving parts but doable.

You may want to look at something like skritter which allows you to do exactly what you are asking save integrate with moodle. I have not looked at this program in a while. It should be possible for students to demonstrate mastery over a given set of questions that  can be assessed by you.

Sorry to not have better suggestions.

On Nov 29, 2012, at 4:25 PM, Otmar K. Foelsche wrote:

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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])