I was on an all day birding marathon yesterday in and around Boston and I thought the highlights might be of interest. 

Mount Auburn Cemetery: white-winged crossbills, redpolls, great horn owl
Arnold Arboretum: flock of 11 red-winged crossbills, 4 white-winged crossbills, fox sparrows (lots)
Millennium Park: Virginia rail, pintail, fox sparrows
Belle Isle Marsh: a pair of white-winged crossbills at eye level (& below) in a misshapen pitch pine. I watched the birds tease seeds out of pine cones from a foot or two away.
Franklin Park: ruddy duck (I hadn't seen one in 20 years)
South Boston: buffleheads, black scoters, c. loon

Logan Airport: no snowy owls (yet). There were 48 last year.
