Bill Steele wrote on Tue, 13 Nov 2012 21:15:53 +0000:

>set keywords to {"foo","bar","Fred"}
>set thePieces to splittext bigFile using "whatever"
>repeat with onePiece in thePieces
>	repeat with oneWord in keywords
>		if onePiece contains oneWord
>			(do some stuff with it)
>		end if
>	end repeat
>end repeat
>This worked fine until I upgraded to Mountain Lion, and then it started
>hang up about halfway through --at different places at different times,
>with the same file.
>To find out what was happening I put in some display dialogs,and that
>it.  Replaced the dialogs with one-second delays,and that works too.
>Applescript Editor needs to stop and think about some things, or maybe
>clean out some memory when it's doing arrays.
>Any ideas what's happening?

Sounds like a synchronisation problem. Does "some stuff" include any GUI
scripting or clipboard work?