I spent a good portion of the day birding in Windsor.  First stop was at Lake Runnemede - highlights included: juvenile Goshawk,
great views of an Orange-crowned Warbler, a lone Wilson's Snipe in the pumpkin field, multitudes of sparrows (6 species total),
a single female Indigo Bunting mixed in with the sparrow flocks, and a higher volume of Pine Siskins all feeding on the goldenrods.

Second stop was at the Simon Pierce flood plain: more sparrows (8 species total) with the largest amount of White-throated
Sparrows I have ever seen!  6 species of woodpeckers were found, a small group of Rusty Blackbirds which were very vocal, a
single Swainson's Thrush and Winter Wren, and another Indigo Bunting was seen.

All in all, not too shabby :)
Sara - Hartland, VT