Northern Waterthrush still being seen at Campbell Flats this AM around 10
AM. This time it was in the trees going down to the river at the edge of
the open field before getting to the cornfield. (At the bottom of the hill
along the ditch going to the river).  Maybe the same bird as seen last
week? Certainly very close to the same vicinity.

Not many warblers otherwise. One probable Common Yellowthroat. House Wren,
Northern Flicker,  Red-eyed Vireos, Young goldfinches begging to be fed,
Immature Chipping Sparrow and Song Sparrows, Cedar Waxwings, Phoebes and
flycatchers,  7 Canada geese, Mallards, 2 Cormorants, 1 Great Blue Heron, a
Raven, and a very nice view, at the far end of the corn field,earlier when
we arrived, of an immature Cooper's Hawk.  Maybe that's why we didn't see
much else there!
Cindy Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints