From a ghost from the past...<mwa-ha-ha>

I've been stumped with a problem for a while.

I've got a massive iTunes library on an external HD, with the music 
files stored in various places within a folder hierarchy (not in the 
iTunes Media or Music folder)..  I've made a copy of everything onto 
another external HD with a different disk name.  All I need to do is to 
get iTunes to point to the new drive, with the music files in the same 
places within the folder hierarchy.  I've been unsuccessful at getting 
iTunes to make the switch.  (I tried editing the library files with a 
hex editor and that's a bust.)

Someone suggested using AppleScript to do this.  A quick look at the 
dictionary doesn't suggest anything like:

set the disk of every file track whose disk is "aaa" to "bbb"

Any ideas?
