This season brought an unparalleled level of documented nesting success on the home property. The following was observed.

Wild Turkey -- a hen with six polts.
Eastern Phoebe -- a first fledging of two with another in process
Tree Swallow -- one fledging of two
Eastern Blue Bird -- a first fledging of three in June with another now in process
American Robin -- two fledged
Chipping Sparrow -- two successful fledgings of two youngsters.Song Sparrow -- one fledging of two

Further, there has been present a small group of Tufted Titmice and another of White-breasted Nuthatches that I presume to be families that are the product of this season's nesting, but that did not occur close enough to the house to track and confirm.

Blake Allison

Lyme, NH 03768-3322