Error during command authentication.

Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=10061, phase=CONNECT, target= The server is probably not started. LISTSERV - CABIN-TRAIL Archives - LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU

until the greatest collection of crunchy heroes you have ever seen will be assembling in the basement of Robo.  With all this bad-@ssery, don't you want to make an appearance?

Cabin and Trail
Monday 10pm
Basement of Robinson Hall

Come to Robo 110 at 9:30pm if you are interested in leading or co-leading a trip!

And as a show of good-faith, we'll give you a little sneak peak of our trips for this week:
Whistelstop Cafe in Fairlee
Meet behind Robo at 7:15am, back by 10As
Cost: ride is free, bring small bills for the food.  yum.
Blitz Michael Berger if you are coming!