On 25 Jul 2012, at 11:56, Žorvaršur Davķšsson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> On 24.07.2012, at 19:42, Philip Spaelti wrote:
>>> The current version of NW Express is 3.4.1, I think. If it refers to NW Express they should then mention that in the NWP manual.
>> Of course NWE has that version. But you are not running NWE. The point is that the development of NWP and NWE ran together up to version 2 or 3 thereabouts. Then NWP 1 was released which was (internally) 3. So now NWP 2 is version 4. These numbers are from the developers perspective.
> Ah, now I understand. Thank you for explaining. -- I never used NWE.
> Žorvaršur

There is yet the longer internal bundle version number which is 0400.0004.03. You can find this number when you use the menu Check for Updates. It is mentioned after  “2.0.2”
