At home in Windsor this weekend:

Baltimore Oriole, M&F, they like the suet feeders
Red breasted woodpecker-1
Downy woodpecker-many
Hairy woodpecker-many
Red Breasted Grosbeak-M, F, imm. M
Starlings-too many to count.  They wipe me out of suet!
Grackles-many & many immature
Red wing blackbirds-many
Brown headed cow bird-1
Phoebes-nesting above my back window
Cat birds-2
Blue Jays-5, some immature
Ruby throated humming birds-3   1 male 2 females, 1of the females possibly immature, it's allowed on the same feeder.
Tufted titmouse-2
Cardinals-M & F & imm. Female
And (drum roll) Windsor's male and female eagles.  Last year they successfully raised and fledged two eaglets.  This year they appear to be doing it again, though the number of eaglets is not ascertained at this time.  I see them nearly every morning.
Marianne in Windsor