Had a nice morning at Campbell Flats in Norwich yesterday.  Highlight was an American Bittern that flew over, landed briefly and flew off again.  Manages to get a few i.d. photos. What a HUGE bird! I had no idea. Thought it was a hawk at first.

Photos here:

Also seen:
2 Bluebirds -still fighting off tree swallows from nesting box

Photo of an angry bluebird: :-))

9 Bobolinks including 3 females 1st years
1 Solitary Sandpiper in the muddy field
1 Savannah Sparrow, also in the mud
3 chickadees- one doing the "Feed me" flutter.  Breedinbg behavior?  Fledged?  (Too soon , I think).
1 yellow rump
1 Flycatcher- quick "chebeck" ??

Cindy Crawford

Creature Kinships and Natural Affinities
Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints
Photos: http://pbase.com/creaturekinships
BLOG: http://creature-kinships.blogspot.com/