Today (Friday 5/4), Ed Hack, George Clark and myself traveled to Campbell Flats Road in Norwich. 
We were seeking out any migratory species of interest, though it was relatively quiet.  Around 4:45pm we were about to
throw in the towel when we noticed a small bird foraging in the plowed corn field along that same road - that bird
turned out to be an American Pipit (12 of them, from what we could count).  It was a great find and a wonderful
bird to see to wrap up the day!

Earlier in the morning, I spent a good deal of time at Kilowatt Park and it's surrounding trails that lead to the picnic area at
Kilowatt north.  A migratory bird bomb must of went off that morning, because it was spectacular!  Here is a list of some of the

Chimney Swift  3
Least Flycatcher  1   
Warbling Vireo  1   
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  1   
Gray Catbird  1
Brown Thrasher  1
Louisiana Waterthrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Nashville Warbler  2    
Mourning Warbler  1 - heard (but only briefly seen) at the Kilowatt North picnic area
Common Yellowthroat  1   
Magnolia Warbler  1  
Blackburnian Warbler  1    
Yellow Warbler  3    
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
White-crowned Sparrow  2 - both males
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  1

They're here!!!
Sara - Hartland, VT