On this morning's Green Mountain Club O-Section bird walk, ten  
participants tallied 38 bird species in the northern part of the Union  
Village Dam area in Thetford, VT. Among those species were a Turkey  
Vulture, a Broad-winged Hawk, 5 Solitary Sandpipers, at least 2 Least  
Flycatchers, a Veery, 2 Northern Parulas, at least 2 Chestnut-sided  
Warblers, a Common Yellowthroat, and a singing male Rose-breasted  
Grosbeak. Altogether, nine species of warblers were found.

Afterwards, three of the participants continued on for a brief, mid  
morning, stop at Pompy in Norwich, where among 14 bird species  
detected were a Killdeer, a few Greater Yellowlegs, a Solitary  
Sandpiper, a Spotted Sandpiper, a Warbling Vireo, a Brown Thrasher,  
and a Baltimore Oriole.

George Clark
Norwich, VT