
Thanks for the help!

I have found out what the problem was.

My publisher had sent me the Word file in .doc format. For Nisus to open the file with all the tracked changes, it should have been saved in .docx

With Word I have converted the doc. file to .docx and am now working on it in Nisus. However, I notice there are rogue bits of information in the Nisus text ( I see weird numbers in the text in Nisus where in Word I can see nothing) and I think it would be too risky  to work on the ms in Nisus. I need to see exactly what the editor will see.



I find editing on Nisus so much easier than on Word. The Search function in Word I find unbearable. And the text keeps wobbling.

On 16 Apr 2012, at 12:29, Hamid Haji wrote:

On 16 Apr 2012, at 10:31, THDW wrote:


Thanks for your prompt help.

I have done all this but I cannot see the MSW changes in NWP.

In Track Changes options, I have clicked on All Authors - but still nothing. When I ask NWP to take me to next change, there is nothing. Yet on the Word Document there are two other editors.

I am running Word 2011. Should I perhaps save the original Word document (.doc) in another format?

If you opened the original Word document in NWP, then the changes made by the other editors should be viewable.
Saving the Word document in another format will kill track changes.
