Drove away up north, hoping to see all the Boreal species at Moose Bog
yesterday. Well, not quite, but had some nice views of the Black-backed
woodpecker (male), and Gray Jays.
Photos here:

Other species inclided White wiged Crossbills (more heard than seen)
Golden-crowned kinglet- Wayne got a great photo of the crown.
Chickadees (probably a Boreal in there but did not see it. Another couple
saw one...)
Husband heard a loud grouse take-off-not like the sound we get here of
Ruffed Grouse. probable Spruce Grouse.
Quite a few Red-breasted nuthatches
Nice view if a very yellow Pine Siskin-heard more

Gray Jays were delightful and came close- first encounter for us.

Cynthia Crawford (and Wayne Cripps).


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Animal and Nature Paintings, Portraits and Prints
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