Hello Mark,

Thank you very much for your code.

I ended with the following code:

property file_1 : ""
property runtime : 0
property firsttime : "yes" -- I added this line

on idle
	if runtime < (current date) - 5 * minutes then
		set file_1 to ""
	end if
	return 1
end idle

on open (droppedItemsList)
	set runtime to current date
	if (number of droppedItemsList) ≥ 3 then
		display dialog "This droplet accepts two files."
		return quit -- I added "quit" here; the script quits immediately after this dialogue
	else if (number of droppedItemsList) = 1 then
		if firsttime = "yes" then -- I added this "if... end if" for another dialogue
			display dialog "Please drop another file..."
			set firsttime to "no"
		end if
		if file_1 = "" then
			set file_1 to first item of (droppedItemsList)
			set file_1 to POSIX path of file_1
			set file_2 to first item of (droppedItemsList)
			set file_2 to POSIX path of file_2
		end if
	else if (number of droppedItemsList) = 2 then
		set file_1 to first item of (droppedItemsList)
		set file_1 to POSIX path of file_1
		set file_2 to second item of (droppedItemsList)
		set file_2 to POSIX path of file_2
	end if
	if file_1 = file_2 then
		display dialog "You have chosen the same file. Quitting..."
	end if
	display dialog file_1 & return & " compared with " & return & file_2
	set file_1 to ""
	set firsttime to "yes" -- I added this line to restore the value of "firsttime"
end open

One thing that I don't understand well in this is the meaning and the use of "quit". Could you please explain this?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regard,

Nobumi Iyanaga