1) I thought Gmail got mad at you for blitzing too many people at once. This seems to not be the case... hooray! 

2) I was contacted yesterday by the coordinator of a high-elevation bird monitoring project called Mountain Birdwatch- if anyone's interested in helping survey high-elevation bird populations in NY, VT, NH, or ME this June, let me know, and I can put you in touch. (or just give you more details. I think I might have blitzed out about this yesterday.)

3) I also got an email from the wife of a chubber alum (Jim DiCarlo), who's looking for someone to be an assistant manager this summer at the hiking camp they run in the Evans Notch area. She'd prefer a recent graduate, because most of the employees are college students, so it helps if the manager is a little older, but if you're super interested, I can give you her contact info and you can work it out. 

I think that's all for now...


Brian Seitz
(207) 756 0428
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