We were surprised to see two bluebirds checking out our bird houses today.
The chickadees, continuing their spring calls, also checked out the same


Ann and Hal
Lyme NH

On 1/28/12 3:35 PM, "Anne Mitts" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hello,     So far this winter I hadn't seen many birds coming to the
>feeders but recently that has changed. I had some time this morning so I
>spent about an hour looking out my window. I was very surprised to see a
>male purple finch. Ususally I don't see them until spring. I also had 2
>brownheaded cowbirds and I thought it was a bit strange to see them in
>January. I don't usually list but thought I would today.
>In Newport NH this morning in my back yard I saw: 6 mourning doves, 2
>cradinals, 3 goldfinches, 10 robins, 3 starlings 19 bluejays, 3
>chickadees, juncos, a downy woodpecker, a pileated woodpecker, 12 cedar
>waxwings, 2 brown headed cowbirds and 1 male purple finch.
>I am very happy to see them visiting again. enjoy your weekend!   Anne