Polka Dot Diner, White River Junction VT
Departure: 6:45AM, as close to back of Robo as possible
RSVP to [log in to unmask]

Another history lesson: During World War II, the acronym DOT (Don't
Open This!) was the opposite of the acronym SWAK (Sealed with a Kiss).
Army wives would send DOT letters abroad to their soldier husbands
filled with terrible news--like they were having a child with a draft
dodger--and the soldier would know to not open the envelope until he
was emotionally ready. The game "Poke a DOT" was widely played in
tents all over The Front, as soldiers would nervously reach at their
letters, unwilling to learn what was inside while despising their
ignorance. In 1951, veteran and fashion designer Swig Tipsley named
his ugliest creation--the polka dot--after this miserable practice,
and a fashion icon was born. Marc Ronson and Ron Markson, the owners
of the Polka Dot Diner don't know any of this, but now you do! The
ride is free, bring small bills.


Christmas Themed Sunrike up Mt. Gile! 
It's a super short hike up to a fire tower, which affords a breathtaking view
over the hills and mountains surrounding Norwich and Hanover.  Also a great way
to express some of those residual longings for Christmas (slash new longings
for next Christmas).  We'll be meeting in Robo at 6:15 and will be back before
Blitz Alan Keagan to sign up


Feed! at the Rock at 6:30pm

Looking for some good company this Wednesday? Running low on meal swipes? Just
hungry for a real, home-cooked meal? Join us as we feast at the Rock! This week
will feature DELICIOUS LASAGNA and SCRUMPTIOUS VEGGIES! Prior eating experience
Cost: $4
Where: The Rock, 16 Sargeant St.
Directions to the rock:


Come hike MT HALE.  Where is Mt. Hale you ask?  Why, it is the lowliest of the
mighty 4000footers in VT/NH.  Standing at a majestic 4062ft, it laughs at its
neighbors in the Twin Mtn Range while its older brothers in the Presi's look
down knowingly.  We will ski in the 3.2 miles to the trailhead, then hike up
about 2.3 miiles to the peak of the mountain, all on a moderate grade trail (11
miles round trip).  Beginners welcome, we will be skiing on a flat road, and
hike should be pretty easy, and epically fun.
Time: 8am-7pm (possibly home earlier) Saturday, January 21st
Cost: $6 for DOC
Blitz Paige Wilson with your Dash, shoe size, and dietary restrictions to sign
up or get more information!!

When: Saturday, January 21, 8:30 AM-5:30 PM
Difficulty: Moderate, 6.6 miles roundtrip
WHAT IS THIS YOU SPEAK OF?: Once upon a time when the green mountains of
Vermont were being formed, there was a camel.  His name we know not, but
his legacy we know indeed.  You see, this camel longed for greatness.  So,
he ate his spinach and clipped his toenails and became a mountain.
 "TADA!!!" he screamed.  Now... the great camel beckons to us.  We shall
climb upon his back to reach a glorious summit that will afford us
spectacular views.  On this trek, we will eat delicious food, sing happy
songs, talk, be merry, and fight (with the teachings of compassion) the
various dragons that envy the magical camel.  We will need to use sleds.
You should really come.  PLEASE.  I LOVE YOU.  HELP ME WITH THE DRAGONS.
Cost: $4 for DOC members, ~$7 for non believers
Blitz: Melinda Tascarella with questions and/or to sign up


Orienteering on the AT near Velvet Rocks!!!!
Time: 8am to 1 pm!
Description: We'll learn how to navigate around in the woods when you're
horribly lost! This includes skills like learning about a compass, taking a
bearing, triangulating position, and other awesome navigation things! We'll
also have fun finding the boundary line of the AT, and the monuments that
mark the boundary! More exclamation!!!!
Cost: Free, but bring snacks!
Blitz David Rice to sign up

Teach me to Ski!!

When: Sunday, January 22, 9:30am-12pm
Where: Golf course or pine park n details to come

Description:  Come learn to ski with Billy Zou and Ian Herrick.  We will be
going over basic technique, and then cruising.  Just think how cool youill feel
with the wind blowing in your face.  Come enjoy great company, pretty scenery,
and a brand new relationship with the ground under your feet.  All levels
Cost: free (including rentals)

Blitz:  Ian Herrick with your shoe size to sign up