I went out on P5 at about 4:30 or so, walked only the middle loop, and I
heard it on 3 occasions! I had just listened to teh Saw Whet Owl's "call"
on sibleys bird app, and a few minutes later,  I heard a sound SO similar I
check to make sure I didn't somehow turn the app back on! I was runnig my
memo recorder, but it didn't pick it up I don't think. It was not as close
as last time. I walked back and forth along the same stretch several times,
and heard it again. Every so often I thought I heard a little single "toot"
but it may have been my coat or imagination.

I ALSO did hear a Barred Owl, but coming from the opposite side of the
trail, and IT said a single "hooooooah" twice.