Hi all

Today a Hermit Thrush paid a brief visit at home. Yesterday (Oct. 10) I went to Campbell Flats around 3:30 PM. I saw 
1 yellow-rumped warbler-immature or female
1 Eastern Wood Pewee?? (No tail wagging...)
2 song sparrows
2 Easterm Phoebes

At Kendall Station and vicinity there were 
25 Mallards
Duck Hunters
1 Great Blue Heron

Had a great time with George Clark and gang on Saturday, Oct. 8- see George's post- some photos are from that walk- 2 immature Bald Eagles, and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet (backside...)

I've posted photos to the Flickr Vermont bird group and my own site:
I'd be interested in opinions on the flycatcher. 

Cynthia Crawford