On 28.10.2011, at 21:55, Andrus wrote:

> I use .rtfd because it keeps graphics such as .jpg .tiff .gif in their unadulterated form that I can drag out or even edit by using the finder Show Contents feature.  I can, and often do, drag out the internal tex.rtf and use it that way.  I find it an effective way to get rid of place-holder graphics that I can't locate otherwise! :-)

Yes, why not … An interesting approach, Ben.

> As for space savings with .zrtf, one could always archive the files with a finder, but that is not so convenient.

… especially since Spotlight will then not be able to see the contents.

> but even Geoff Heard has moved on while I lag behind with old Apple products that just don't die! :-) but it takes so long to learn all the nuances and how to cope with new iphone-type stuff...

So you have got a new iPhone then? Every Mac user nowadays seems to have an iPhone. Until now I was completely happy without it, but now I am gradually beginning to think I’m seriously missing something. :-)
