On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 16:32:11 +0000, Mark Lively <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Just had a thought.  Was there anything in the console log?  There is a bunch that can show up there when the system says, nope not going to do it.

Nothing. Just for the hell of it I messed around a little more. I thought maybe it has something to do with pre-compiling. So I tried osascript -e from terminal and also turning it into an executable text file with "exec osascript<<\EOF" as the first line but none of that worked either.  I guess I could try it in LiveCode too but I'm giving up now. QuicKeys shines yet again. (In QuicKeys you can enter an Applescript in a text pane and run it from the QuicKeys menu or with a keystroke or on a schedule). I have no idea why that works but I'm glad it does.