Cool sounding internship... check out the presentation if you're interested!


(FYI it's Thursday the 20th, not Friday the 21st.)

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Sara Carlson" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Operation Wallacea visit to Dartmouth
Date: October 6, 2011 5:05:25 PM EDT
To: [log in to unmask]

Dear Dartmouth Outing Club,  
I found your organization Dartmouth website and am writing to invite you and members of the Outing Club to a presentation being held on campus on Friday, October 20th at 1pm in 105 Life Sciences Center. Ian Hendy, PhD Intertidal Ecologist from Operation Wallacea will be giving a talk about conservation and biodiversity field research in the tropics. Operation Wallacea runs 23 sites in 10 countries: Indonesia, Honduras, Egypt, Madagascar, Guyana, South Africa, Mozambique, Peru, Mexico and Guatemala, and there are many ways for students of any major (both undergraduate and graduate) to become involved.
Students may join the projects as Research Assistants with the option of gaining course credit to gather data for a senior or Master’s thesis, or simply to gain field research experience as a volunteer-based internship. Projects enable students to experience magnificent ecosystems face to face, camping in safari parks, living aboard Amazon research vessels or diving some of the world’s most pristine coral reefs. We also have 170 academics working in the field with us and we currently support 34 PhD Studentships.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Operation Wallacea or the upcoming presentation. I hope you can make it!
Sara Carlson
Operation Wallacea USA
PO Box 461
Point Pleasant, NJ 08742
+1 (973)920-0487