An option to elect 2 chairs (plus me is 3) has been discussed, so that'll be
included on the ballot. Suzanne Kelson '12 is also interested in running, I'll
send out her blurb if I receive it. Elections will be tonight at the Rock, when
we'll also elect chairs for cabins, trails, etc. 

- Billy

Charlie Governali '12

Hi all!
I'd be excited to be a CnT co-chair as a senior because I feel that
I've gotten so much from the club (a family on campus, a warm and open
learning environment, and wonderful opportunities to be outside with
great people) -- and I want to give back!
I think I could be a successful chair because of 1) my three years of
experience as a chubber and CnT leader, 2) the knowledge and skills I
gained as CnT co-chair sophomore summer, and 3) my dedication to
making CnT as fun, welcoming, and supportive of a place for '15s as it
was for me during my freshman year.

Will Bishop '12

Hi C&T!  My name is Will Bishop '12 and I'd love to be one of your co-chairs
for the fall.  I've been involved with C&T since my sophomore year and done
just about everything C&T has to offer - short sunrise hikes near Hanover, long
treks in the Whites, trailwork on Mount Moosilauke, the amazing Thanksgiving
trip to Billings, and many a heeler overnight and DinerToure.  I've loved every
minute of it.  Now I'm excited to keep it all going in the new school year!  As
a chair, I hope to keep C&T running smoothly on a day-to-day basis and make
sure we have a wide variety of trips every weekend, to take advantage of this
beautiful New England fall.  Additional priorities include improving the
feedback from leaders to heelers, the use of maps on C&T outings, and the
repertoire of songs sung at meetings.  Finally, I want to make sure every
chubber knows how to play Contact and Red Tens by the end of the term.  Look
forward to seeing you all!