Yesterday I saw what seemed like an immature pigeon (rock dove) on the ground with a parent next to the Enfield Shaker Museum. The parent flew off; theapparently young one with ruffled feathers could not. I spoke to the people at the museum who were closing up for the day. They had seen it nearby on theground for a few days, but weren't concerned. Does anyone know about such a situation. Does the parent feed it until it can fly, if it isn't grabbed first?
Today walking on the embankment at Lake Runnemede a Great Blue Heron flew close by and landed about 60 or 70 yds away on the bank. I had seen whatlooked like nylon fishing line trailing from its leg. It didn't seemed bothered, however, but went right into its stalking and fishing behavior. Herons and other wadersmust encounter a lot of old leaders and fishing equipment. I didn't like that and was concerned for this bird too.
Any similar stories, information or thoughts?
CeceliaWindsor, VT 		 	   		  
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