On 8/9/11, Philip Spaelti wrote:

>I don't think it's accurate to call NWP 2.0's handling of grep a "mess". If anything it is Nisus Writer Classic that was the mess. Nisus Writer Classic allowed a variety of characters as literals, which are usually meta-characters in most implementations of grep. My memory of such things is rusty, but "?" is the most obvious case (but I think also parentheses). This was "writer-friendly", since having common characters hijacked as meta-characters is a pain.
>But the current implementation is much more standard (and I think it is handled by some external implementation. Kino knows more about this.)
>If you have any other problems post them here.

I'll tell you why it's a mess: ANY character preceded by \ should be treated as a literal, simply for consistency. I'm pretty sure this does not work, because of the odd results I've been getting. Unfortunately, I haven't yet identified the exact command causing my problems, but it appears that, somehow, a \t is being treated as a literal t!

I may be wrong. As I say, I haven't found the line that is doing it.

Is there a way to step through a macro by any chance? Like a debugger?

Bob Waltz
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"The one thing we learn from history --
   is that no one ever learns from history."