On 2011 Jul 4, at 23:13, Peter Buchanan wrote:

> A successful manual import had me looking again at the script. At the very
> beginning of the import process, a variable could not be inserted into the
> locked record, which was then in fact being imported into FileB, but could
> not been "seen" from its new parent record, because the match field was
> blank.
> Thanks to all the input - I now again have confidence in Filemaker's import
> function, but my scripting needs some improvement....

A more general lesson here is one which I pass along regularly and most sincerely to the various non-profit organizations for which I do database development, namely the irreplaceable value of new staff members. ONLY THEY can see the database system thru completely virgin, unspoiled eyes. The rest of us have become too jaded, inured, accustomed, resigned — whatever you want to call it — to the way things work that we no longer think to ask "Why?" (or, even better, "Why not?").

I wish I had a buck for every time I've had to bite my tongue upon hearing the dread words "But that's the way we've ALWAYS done it!". I'd be rich, and still able to taste my food.

Every person who delves fresh into the database (and this can include experienced users who are getting into a new aspect of it for the 1st time) should be told, over and over again, TAKE NOTES! If something doesn't make immediate sense, say so. If something looks unduly complicated, write it down. If something works OK but isn't explained well, let me know. If you can think of an easier way to do things, everybody else wants to know about it, too.

The biggest room in the world is room for improvement. We will never fill it up.