
IIRC a record does not need to be unlocked during an import. I'm pretty sure this used to be the case; I don't see why it should be different in FMP11.

Is it possible that the record in question is new and not yet committed? UserB's cursor in a field may be an indication of that. Similarly, any uncommitted changes made by UserB will not be imported. (Though I think you are suggesting that a complete record fails to import; not that certain fields fail. Is that right?)

Is the import 'simple' or are you using the update records options? With or without error capture? I can imagine that if UserB is modifying the match field at the time of the import, a record may appear to be missed altogether. 

In any event, I think the import script step will warn of problems (with the update options) when it is run. In a script, the error dialog will appear if error capture is off.

Hope this gives you something to think about. But my Filemaker skills are rusty. The above may be completely off base...


On 29 Jun 2011, at 10:51, Peter Buchanan wrote:

> In a FM Server 11 environment, UserA is finding a range of records in File1, going to File2, and importing the File1 records (it’s a FM6 inherited system, therefore different files...)
> Every so often, one of the records does not import, all the others do. It’s never the first or last record, seems to be random.
> Using a backup copy outside of the network, no problems, all the records import correctly. All I can think of is that UserB is in a File2 record, which forms part of UserA’s found set, and with the cursor in a field on that record, at the time of import process, and the record cannot be imported?
> Is this likely the reason? Does a record need to be “unlocked” for importing? What script steps can I include to warn UserA that a record is locked before the import, or after the import process, that during importing, one or more records could not be imported?
> Once again, really appreciate your thoughts.
> Rgds
> Peter