Yesterday, May 31, I heard what I am now fairly confident was a Carolina
Wren singing in short (about a minute) spurts from 6:30 am until after 5:30
pm. I was able to get a lot of recordings on my iphone with the voice memo.
I knew there have been quite a few reports in this area on this list, but I
felt yesterday that I had NEVER heard it before. The first song it sang
early wasn't teakettle teakettle teakettle, but it was LOUD and if it hadn't
had a few variations in repetitions I thought it could be some sort of alarm
at the neighbor's house. The first recording I got was about 7:30, and  that
one WAS a pretty clear teakettle-teakettle-teakettle. I never got to see it
at all, but I was hoping maybe it would like my yard and settle in, but
today I haven't heard it.

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