a correction and a couple that missed the first blitz...

 Event: Baum Cabin Work Trip
 Time: 10am - 4pm (negotiable)
 Cost: FREE (cause it's a work trip!)
 Description: Come hang out with Dan Nelson '75 (Director of OPO!), Joe
 Pearl, and myself while we do some minor repairs and clean up at Baum
 Cabin! We will be BBQing lunch, so it's bound to be a great time!
Blitz: bstebbs to sign up


Killington and Pico Hike
When: leaving at 8:30 am, back by 7 at the latest
Cost: $5 for DOC members, $8 for non-members
What: Killington and Pico are two of the tallest mountains in Vermont and right
in our backyard. This hike will climb both of them along a pretty strenuous 12
mile round trip. Both have extensive views from the top and the weather looks
decent, so we will get to see new england from a different angle. Besides,
hiking is awesome.
Blitz: wales with your DA$H to sign up or to ask questions

Trail Work Trip To Wauchipauka Pond
Time: 9 am to 3 or 4 pm
Cost: Free!
Difficulty/Description: Trail work, because it's awesome! Help clear blow downs
with your best friends, axe, saw, and clipper! Wauchipauka pond is really
pretty too.
Blitz: ricecakes for more info or to sign up