Thanks.  I did figure that out finally.

On May 12, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Tim Mansour wrote:

> On 13/05/2011, at 3:56, Sue <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> The text looks like what I want, but then when I try my Substitute  
>> script--the substitute doesn't work
> ... Because it's not the font *style* you need to affect, but rather
> the case of the characters. Think of it this way: if you applied Bold
> to certain words then exported a Merge file, you wouldn't end up with
> any Bold text, because the style information isn't exported. Any
> styles applied to the text, including Bold, Underline, Title Case,
> etc, do not affect the character content of the field.
> On the other hand, the text-manipulation functions Lower(), Upper()
> and Proper() DO change the case of characters so you could replace
> field contents using Proper() before applying your Substitute command
> to abbreviate.
> Tim Mansour <[log in to unmask]>
> Neologica Print & Promotions ABN 63 904 335 408
> Certified FileMaker 10 Developer
> PO Box K1163 : Haymarket NSW 1240
> Mobile 0405 500 846