> Obscene speed. Epic crashes. Fierce rivalry. Glorious victory. 
> Dartmouth Cycling presents:
> But we can't make it happen without a whole bunch of volunteers!
> This Saturday, April 16, Dartmouth is hosting an ECCC race weekend. We're hard at work to organize a morning ITT and an afternoon Crit, but would really appreciate any extra help you might be able to offer - anything from course setup and cleanup to marshaling, registration, and hero/pinch-hitters who are ready to be deployed at a moment's notice. 

If you have an hour to spare to volunteer this weekend, THANK YOU! A couple of things that might help:
> 1. The signup sheet is available on the Dartmouth Cycling Google Documents: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AkVg980bwpSSdG43UDBRMWNhb2FXZHN5SVhDTjJfNXc&hl=en&authkey=COq4ir4D
> 2. To thank you for your time, we'll provide free food (at least Bagel Basement!). 
> 3. I will hold a volunteer orientation session at 4 pm on Friday, April 15, on Webster Avenue. It will be super quick, but will cover basic marshaling/how to keep fast cars and faster cyclists apart. If you're willing and able to volunteer this Saturday, we'd sure appreciate it if  you could come to this session (if you can't, we'd still really appreciate your help on Saturday - just shoot me a blitz so that I know to catch up with you then).
> The team can't do this without your help, so thank you so much!!
> Please feel free to blitz me any questions that you might have, and hope you're as excited as we are about this weekend! Really hope to see you out there!
> Kelly
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206 Fairchild Hall: 603 646 0994

Dartmouth College
Department of the Earth Sciences
HB 6105
Hanover, NH 03755

                                Dartmouth Mountain Biking

To blitz to the list, send a blitz to [log in to unmask]
To be removed from the list, blitz "SIGNOFF DOC-MOUNTAIN-BIKING" to [log in to unmask]

If you have any questions about anything biking related blitz MBC