Hi there!

The best source for Spanish DVDs that I have found is dvdgo.com
It ships to the USA at decent rates.  However it only offers Spanish films. 
Not all of these, obviously, are subtitled in English or Spanish, but the
website offers clear explanations of every title and its characteristics.

At Puget Sound I have used many of the dvdgo.com purchases for Spanish film
classes but also for Spanish culture classes and for special screenings. 
Presenting films in Spanish with Spanish subtitles works great with students at
the Intermediate level and above.  If the film offers English subtitles it can
work for elementary Spanish students.

Does FNAC ship abroad?  That would solve the problem for French films.

Good luck!
Harry V$E9lez

Harry V$E9lez Qui$F1ones
Professor of Hispanic Studies
University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. #1073
Tacoma, WA 98416-1073
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