--- Elizabeth Maislen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I cannot believe my eyes but we have a bluebird at our house sitting right in  
our crab apple tree!!!!  Wait, there's now a pair of them!!!!  I've got a photo.  
  We rarely see them in the spring here and they appear in the middle of a blizzard?  
  Made my day!

Betsy Maislen
Norwich, VT
--- end of quote ---

	A few years ago, when there was pretty deep snow everywhere, I was scanning a  
farm field in Thetford looking for Snow Buntings when I saw a "mystery bird" perched  
atop a farm building.  It was a female Eastern Bluebird, but it took me a few  
minutes to realize what I was looking at because it seemed so incongruous with  
the snow-blanketed midwinter landscape.

			David Webb

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