Hi Richard,

I have set this up for a number of layouts and it usually works. 
Frequently I have used a script with a button or script trigger to 
change the value of the global field so that as I change records, the 
portal shows the related records. Is it possible that you are triggering 
an update to the global? Have you looked at the global with the data 
viewer to verify that it has the correct value?

Hope this is helpful.
Bruce Herbach
Herbach Consulting
FileMaker 9,10 Certified Developer

On 1/30/11 3:04 PM, Richard S. Russell wrote:
> Here is a bizarrity I just encountered. In Table A I have an auto-entered sequence code (call it "ASeq") that uniquely identifies each record. Over in Table B are a dozen or so records that I'd like to show up in a portal in ONE record in Table A, so that I may pick and choose amongst them. So, within Table B, I create a global field called "ASeq Socket", and I plug "ASeq" into it to create a relationship.
> Beautimus! Within Table A, I go to Record #1, click a button to insert the value "1" into "ASeq Socket", and sure enuf, all the values from Table B show up in the portal for Record #1, just the way I'd expect.
> Now here comes the odd bit. I go on to Record #2 in Table A, and there they are still, all the Table B values in the portal, just as if I'd plugged the number "2" into "ASeq Socket" instead of "1".
> How can this be? How can 2 = 1? (Yes, I guarantee that the relationship was an "=" sort, not an "X" sort.)